Peeling the Onion - CoDA booklet

Peeling the Onion - Codependents Look at Love, Sex and Relationship Addiction and Avoidance is a great primer on the subject, published by Codependents Anonymous. This 40-page booklet features short articles on different aspects of avoidance and addiction, with helpful quotes and recovery stories. image - Peeling the Onion - CoDA booklet
Particularly useful is the section looking at patterns of co-dependency and how it relates to the area of sex and relationships, and a comparison of co-dependent and authentic relationships. Though the terms used may be slightly different to other Twelve Step fellowships in this area, differentiating between sex, love and relationship anorexia, the delineation is helpful.

This booklet has plenty of material for those just starting out on their journey of recovery, but it is worthwhile getting hold of a copy if you've been looking at these issues for some time.

Buy from the International CoDA store or search for your local meeting where you may be able to order literature.

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