Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) - Twelve Step fellowship

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a program for anyone who suffers from an addictive compulsion to engage in or avoid sex, love, or emotional attachment. Abbreviated to SLAA, it can be pronounced by either the individual letters, as 'Slaah' or as 'Slay'. The fellowship uses the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to recover from these compulsions.

Though the title of the fellowship and the majority of members identify with addiction, there are good resources for those who experience the anorexic side. View a list of SLAA literature relevant to sexual anorexia.

Sexual anorexics are welcome at all meetings, though the addiction side of things will probably be discussed more. There are face-to-face meetings focusing on sexual anorexia in major cities. There are also phone (conference call), Skype and internet chat meetings with this focus. View the list of SLAA meetings here; the UK website's list of Skype meetings is also useful.

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